Ruegin Alixander part 2- Tada!

I keep thinking I need to say hello in some new and unique way each time I make one of these posts...

Hala! (how's that for different?)

Like I said in my last one, I am making this one about The evolution of Ruegin Alixander. Now, I drew her at much a older age than when I first drew Devo and Alex, so she didn't really grow up with me, but she did grow, and I am happy to show you guys!

Shall we?

This is the first I drew of her. Not the best I must admit, but remember these words: I was younger, and stupider and didn't know what faces, hair, or hands looked like..

I was about fifteen at the time, and it was also when I first played 'Toram Online'. Now my avatar looked exactly like her in the drawing, all the accessories, and everything you can get in the game.
I first got the idea of her when playing the game, and just decided to draw her. I loved the look of her so much I decided to make her into an actual character.

And yes, as you can see her last name was spelt Alexander like the actual name Alexander. I changed it to Alixander to make it weirder and well, I didn't like it being like the actual real life name. Also, if you can't tell- Alex is my favorite name in the world! Never used to be, only became my favorite after I named Alex from Devo and Alex!
Pretty neat huh?

Anyway, next:

Only a few days later, I decided to redraw her into more like my own created character, and gave her things that you can't get in the game, so anyone who might want to play 'Toram Online', sorry if I got your hopes up...

Anywho, this version of her in my opinion looks far better than the first, still not very good with eyes, mouths, and face shapes back then as I sort of am now.

I did keep a few things from her original look. Also, in this one you can clearly see the Irond Sword (Her father's sword) as she leaning on it, also it's size is a tad bit ridiculous.... Don't mind that.

The sword also looks like the one in the game. Also I just noticed that she's wearing less...


Few months later: I drew her twice again, but this time I gave her a profile and started imagining up her story. Making her made me want to add more to my world Senera.

Nothing here as you can see has been changed,but it was still developing.
It is also noticeable that her eyes do look more like eyes... Well, better cartoon eyes.
Also, her hair was improving, and so are the hands.

The picture on the right was drawn because I wanted to see her in a different pose, and more of an expression. I think is looks good... But it still wasn't what I was looking for when I imagined her.

Ha, I remember it being so annoying trying to make the sword straight and not bent on the left picture that I spent so long on it, and it still isn't perfect.... 😫

Okay, I'll be honest: I have no idea how long it was when I drew this wee update.

As you can see, there was a rather drastic change. I decided to give her actual armor. So, I loaded her up with all this chain mail, chest plate, leg armor, and all the goods.

Her story was still folding out, and here I kind of forgot about Valri, the chick who trained her, because I described her as a 'Self created warrior', which if you read the beginning is wrong... my memory is great...

God dam-! I just realized her sword isn't even close to being straight! Maybe after the first time trying to straighten it I just gave up.


But, after all that work, even the penning of the drawing, it still didn't look right. Especially that hand, I don't want to know what went wrong there....


Yea, I know. There's a lot, but don't worry, this is the second last one! Until I draw more.

Now in this one, she once again had a somewhat drastic change. I didn't like her in the mounds of armor, and I preferred her to be able to move easily.

(A weird thing about her is that she uses a massive sword, but is really fast and agile...)

Also, I was inspired by an anime I was watching at the time 'Sword Art Online', I loved the long coat, and wanted to give Ruegin one. Although, you might've noticed that she already had one in the last one, but it's more of a hip cape? It doesn't have sleeves, and it bugged me.

Her hair is still crazy long, and still had the funny braid thingy inspired by 'Asuna', but it didn't really make sense for her character.
Ruegin's hair is supposed to be messy and not perfectly kept, because she is heavily tomboy inspired, and wouldn't spend time to put a pretty braid in her hair. So that had to change...

Ahhh, thar she is!


Got there eventually. The new and improved true, and pure Ruegin Alixander!
So happy with her! Here she is her own character, not inspired  by something I do not own. I did follow the some of the same things from my last one, like the coat, the old torn skirt, the leg armor, and the bag.
But here, her new Irond sword has been born! It looks completely different, and nothing like her old 'Toram Online' sword.

I love it, and... it's.... STRAIGHT!

Everything improved! 😄 little celebration.

Same as my drawing style, simpler, and better looking. Drawing humans, or humanoid characters is so much easier now, and I am so happy about it, because I spent so long trying to figure out how to draw people right, and I would always wish for the skill to draw people, and now it doesn't scare me at all!

Here, her hair is messy, not as crazy long either. The collar of her coat is no longer folded over, her bag is designed so a book can fit inside, (the notebook), and she still has her little bits of armor. This is also where I changed her last name to Alixander. All through her evolution, she one way or another kept her sigil- which is actually her fathers sigil. 
Oh, and she has a scar... Not sure why.

You might notice that at the beginning she did not have elf ears, she was human at first because her avatar in the game had to be human, but over time I showed her elf ears... And I mean at the very last two pics.

So, that's Ruegin Alixander for ya. I hope you guys like her evolution.

Ba bye!
