Welcome to my World...
Hiya again.
This idea for a world first popped in my head whilst I played this fantastic mobile mmorpg called 'Toram Online', where I created many characters, one of them being my first real character that I made Senera to give her a home. Her name is Ruegin Alixander, a Migorian elf. (Yes, Migorian is another made up thing of mine... Well race, thing..)
Ruegin is a warrior with an intense background of adventure that was motivated by loss. But, I'll go into that later. First, lets talk a bit about my world Senera!
A world where our past generations didn't kill the very place we live.

A world I can escape to. A place that is mine, and I get choose what happens to it.
Beautiful and amazing.
Next is Sofian city, a big city known for the Sofian guard, and their good deeds, that they send all over the world to help others with restocking, and monsters terrorizing.
It's big, and white. But, unlike Delandria, it's not on an island, but part of a great land. You go over a hill, and there it is. You can go there to get all sorts of creatures, griffons, hippogriffs, Pegasi, and even some kinds of dragons. Although, Dragon's are far more rare. Dragons are very dangerous around humans unless raised, so they'd only be sold as eggs, but that's usually never done in a good way.
The second is Moonglave village, in the Moonglave Forest. This sweet little village belongs to the Tree Gnomes of the forest, known for their small bodies, pointed ears and big hats. They share similar traits like that of a normal Gnome in their creativity and engineering, but these fella's are able to climb pretty much any tree, easily harvest fruits in tall branches, and are strangely fast little buggers. Unlike Gnomes, Tree Gnomes are gifted with magic in their very souls like Irk's. Of course they have to practice to be able to use it, but it's there.
The Moonglave forest is a massive dangerous, magical forest: where many beasts live. It got its name from the way the moon reflects off it creating a beautiful light show in the night sky, like the Aurora lights here on Earth. Now the Tree Gnomes actually live inside the trees, making the homes in dug out holes of the tree's wood.
I wanted to tell you guys about my own world, and first world I have ever created! Created as a place that only I can go. It is called Senera, a fantasy, magical world of swords, shields, and dragons!
To a lot writers: world building would be seen as difficult, at first I despised the very idea of it.
But, world building is one of most exciting, thrilling thing out there. To imagine a world in your own image, or how you wish our world looked like today. How beautiful it can really look if we didn't cut down so many trees, or killed the animals making a lot of them extinct.
This idea for a world first popped in my head whilst I played this fantastic mobile mmorpg called 'Toram Online', where I created many characters, one of them being my first real character that I made Senera to give her a home. Her name is Ruegin Alixander, a Migorian elf. (Yes, Migorian is another made up thing of mine... Well race, thing..)
Ruegin is a warrior with an intense background of adventure that was motivated by loss. But, I'll go into that later. First, lets talk a bit about my world Senera!
Senera is green and beautiful, filled with huge varieties of races, the basic ones that most know of, and ones I created especially for the world. A lot of different kinds of elves, mostly because when I draw fantasy characters I add long pointed ears, I may have a problem.
Senera filled with valleys of green, and vast forests, and jungles. Giant natural arches of stone and massive mountains, maybe even beautiful sculptures in the boulders! Each plain inhabiting a new kind of creature just living in the cycle of life. Adventurers traveling these incredible places looking for inspiration, or adventure.
Senera filled with valleys of green, and vast forests, and jungles. Giant natural arches of stone and massive mountains, maybe even beautiful sculptures in the boulders! Each plain inhabiting a new kind of creature just living in the cycle of life. Adventurers traveling these incredible places looking for inspiration, or adventure.
Looking for Freedom.
There are floating islands held up by magic that lives within everything and everyone, magic that can be used by anyone who are either born with it or have to learn it.
There are going to be bad people in this world of course, wanting to do bad things to the very world they call home, thus giving adventurers quests to stop such madness.
There are going to be bad people in this world of course, wanting to do bad things to the very world they call home, thus giving adventurers quests to stop such madness.
A world where gas and smog never existed.
A world where our giant glass cities will never be built.
A world where our giant glass cities will never be built.
A world where our past generations didn't kill the very place we live.

A world I can escape to. A place that is mine, and I get choose what happens to it.
Beautiful and amazing.
Who wouldn't want such a world for themselves. But, it is no longer just for me, because I'm here to discuss it with you....
Lets begin with the cities.
Senera has many cities of all sorts of sizes, and kingdoms tend to inhabit these cities. The first one I imagined came from a separate story that's setting ended up being in Senera after I created. This city is called Delandria, a kingdom under the Dracohound king and prince.
Yes, I know: Dracohound is a terrible name, I'm going to change it. The prince's name is Jeremy 'terrible last name', and he owns a dragon, and he is the captain of the Dragon Guard. Anyway, that's a whole other story, and I don't count him as the first character in this world.
Now, Delandria is a city where all races can go. It's a place where people can be themselves, and not hide who they are, but they have to get along with others or they'll be thrown out.
So Elves and Dwarves.... get your sh*t together, and put your difference's aside.
It's big, and pretty much has anything a traveler needs. You can settle down here, it's just rather loud and a bit crowded. But, they are working on expanding it, because many all over the world come here for peace, and to restock their equipment and rations, so they kind of need more room. It's an amazing place that most want to visit, or live in. There are stores of all sorts, Black smiths, food markets, clothing, armor, and more!
I always imagined it to look magical, with floating islands around it. Similar to the picture below. Imagine going to such a place, I know I would never want to leave.
Senera has many cities of all sorts of sizes, and kingdoms tend to inhabit these cities. The first one I imagined came from a separate story that's setting ended up being in Senera after I created. This city is called Delandria, a kingdom under the Dracohound king and prince.
Yes, I know: Dracohound is a terrible name, I'm going to change it. The prince's name is Jeremy 'terrible last name', and he owns a dragon, and he is the captain of the Dragon Guard. Anyway, that's a whole other story, and I don't count him as the first character in this world.
Now, Delandria is a city where all races can go. It's a place where people can be themselves, and not hide who they are, but they have to get along with others or they'll be thrown out.
So Elves and Dwarves.... get your sh*t together, and put your difference's aside.
It's big, and pretty much has anything a traveler needs. You can settle down here, it's just rather loud and a bit crowded. But, they are working on expanding it, because many all over the world come here for peace, and to restock their equipment and rations, so they kind of need more room. It's an amazing place that most want to visit, or live in. There are stores of all sorts, Black smiths, food markets, clothing, armor, and more!
I always imagined it to look magical, with floating islands around it. Similar to the picture below. Imagine going to such a place, I know I would never want to leave.
Next city is Theendale city, a smaller one for smaller races such as Gnomes, Halflings, Dwarves, Irks, Tree Gnomes, and many more. (Both Irks, and Tree Gnomes are my own races- I'll explain them later)
In this lovely little city they have bars, markets, and homes to convenient those who are born short. In other words: it's easy living.
Next is Elren city. It's for Elves.. I know, the name isn't all that creative, but I was young okay! It's also very close to that elves name in the 'Hobbit', and 'Lord of the Rings': Elrond.
I'm not helping my case at all, am I...?
Anyway, Elren's name will probably be changed, maybe I'll even go as far as not having an E as the first letter.. Wouldn't that be something.
In this lovely little city they have bars, markets, and homes to convenient those who are born short. In other words: it's easy living.
Next is Elren city. It's for Elves.. I know, the name isn't all that creative, but I was young okay! It's also very close to that elves name in the 'Hobbit', and 'Lord of the Rings': Elrond.
I'm not helping my case at all, am I...?
Anyway, Elren's name will probably be changed, maybe I'll even go as far as not having an E as the first letter.. Wouldn't that be something.
It would be all forest like, and green. The buildings would be spaced out, and tree roots would be free to grow and twist around anything, because Elves all about that forest!
Next is Sofian city, a big city known for the Sofian guard, and their good deeds, that they send all over the world to help others with restocking, and monsters terrorizing.
It's big, and white. But, unlike Delandria, it's not on an island, but part of a great land. You go over a hill, and there it is. You can go there to get all sorts of creatures, griffons, hippogriffs, Pegasi, and even some kinds of dragons. Although, Dragon's are far more rare. Dragons are very dangerous around humans unless raised, so they'd only be sold as eggs, but that's usually never done in a good way.
And last that I have made (there will most definitely be more later!) is Calvagar city.
Yea, that's it. All I have is a name so far. At the moment it's just a rather flimsy sign telling you of this wonderful city that doesn't exist yet... Yay.
That it! All the cities I've made, yea not a lot. But it takes time! I have a feeling that they'll all be pretty much the same, except for looks and names. 😅
Yea, that's it. All I have is a name so far. At the moment it's just a rather flimsy sign telling you of this wonderful city that doesn't exist yet... Yay.
That it! All the cities I've made, yea not a lot. But it takes time! I have a feeling that they'll all be pretty much the same, except for looks and names. 😅
I do have village's but not many, less than my cities.
Now that I'm looking at this, my world is pretty flimsy, like that darn sign.
First village is Irkion Village, a place where Irk's live and farm. An Irk is a small sentient creature that tends to look like little animals that stand on two feet, and wear clothes. They're not very tall, pretty much the size of the average mans cnemis. (it's the part between the knee and foot, I had to look it up)
First village is Irkion Village, a place where Irk's live and farm. An Irk is a small sentient creature that tends to look like little animals that stand on two feet, and wear clothes. They're not very tall, pretty much the size of the average mans cnemis. (it's the part between the knee and foot, I had to look it up)
They tend to live in small villages inside of thick jungles so they're not found easily. Their house are made out of wood, and whatever materiel they can find. Their homes usually create a circle so their spells can hide their home
Their also known for their weird names like: Pelttakus, or Fletchen, or Dimitregin. (I couldn't find any pictures that looked right, so you're gonna have to rely on your imagination for this one)
Their also known for their weird names like: Pelttakus, or Fletchen, or Dimitregin. (I couldn't find any pictures that looked right, so you're gonna have to rely on your imagination for this one)
The second is Moonglave village, in the Moonglave Forest. This sweet little village belongs to the Tree Gnomes of the forest, known for their small bodies, pointed ears and big hats. They share similar traits like that of a normal Gnome in their creativity and engineering, but these fella's are able to climb pretty much any tree, easily harvest fruits in tall branches, and are strangely fast little buggers. Unlike Gnomes, Tree Gnomes are gifted with magic in their very souls like Irk's. Of course they have to practice to be able to use it, but it's there.
The Moonglave forest is a massive dangerous, magical forest: where many beasts live. It got its name from the way the moon reflects off it creating a beautiful light show in the night sky, like the Aurora lights here on Earth. Now the Tree Gnomes actually live inside the trees, making the homes in dug out holes of the tree's wood.
This little village is mentioned in one of my stories called Small Beginnings about a young Tree Gnome that become an unlikely hero. This unlikely hero is named Gustav. This is another similar idea of it. I believe it would be rather peaceful and beautiful, and I would happily live there.
Once again, that is all of my villages that I have created. There are many others, but I just don't know their names or purpose..
It's pretty easy to make a world. It's naming, and giving it places that your characters can go that's the hard part. The character thing is crazy easy! I can name several off the top of my head right now!
Gustav, Ruegin, Yuuki, Sadaoshi, Zion, Gia, Torcin and Ruephin, and Jeremy, and thats just the off the top of my head.
Sorry, I realized I appear to be flaunting.
Anywho. That's Senera for ya. As you can see Delandria is the most developed only because a lot of my stories involve that city, and I need to create more ideas for more cities and villages to really make it a world I can be proud of.
Once again, that is all of my villages that I have created. There are many others, but I just don't know their names or purpose..
It's pretty easy to make a world. It's naming, and giving it places that your characters can go that's the hard part. The character thing is crazy easy! I can name several off the top of my head right now!
Gustav, Ruegin, Yuuki, Sadaoshi, Zion, Gia, Torcin and Ruephin, and Jeremy, and thats just the off the top of my head.
Sorry, I realized I appear to be flaunting.
Anywho. That's Senera for ya. As you can see Delandria is the most developed only because a lot of my stories involve that city, and I need to create more ideas for more cities and villages to really make it a world I can be proud of.
Thanks for reading as always. My next post will be about my character Ruegin that really started The world of Senera.
Once again: Welcome to my World...
Ba bye! 😁
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